Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Glass Coin - Call For Submissions

A relatively new magazine called The Glass Coin is asking for submissions. From what I have seen (and read from one of the editors), this will be a very classy publication.

Here is a summation of what they do:

Every magazine has a theme, be it politics; woman’s issues or weird tales, there is something that draws readers and writers or like interests to one magazine or another. At The Glass Coin it is our hope to bring writers and readers or all interests, styles and genres to connect over a like-interest in literature. We’ve seen how the written word can bring people together. It can ascend race, gender, nationality and even geography. That’s what The Glass Coin is about.

It’s a big theme for a magazine of flash literature and short poems.

So each issue dissects one idea – a split-theme. This makes the big idea possible. We aren’t a tied-down-to-a-single-theme magazine. This allows us to open up to different genres and styles and opinions. We aren’t afraid to publish words that explore views opposing our own – so long as the writer respects the positions of others while not compromising her own. That’s the exciting idea behind The Glass Coin – the possibilities are endless.

The upcoming themes can be found HERE.

The guidelines for submissions are HERE.

1 comment:

EC said...

Thanks for the link, Paul. I'm always looking for new avenues. Glass Coin definitely shows some class, and I'd love to see some crime and horror in some of those themes! ;)